Cu finanțare din partea UE, Republica Moldova a livrat primele 3 milioane de metri cubi de gaze în Transnistria
Moldovagaz a livrat sâmbătă primul volum de 3 milioane de metri cubi de gaze naturale către regiunea separatistă Transnistria din…
Cifra de afaceri: 21.48 mil. lei
Profit: -35.7012 mil. lei
Angajati: 731
Gheorghe Chisca - Director General
Enterprise integrated manufacturing flow, FORTUS is a manufacturer of heavy technological equipment with integrated mechanical-metallurgical structure has the following manufacturing sectors: the primary sector which includes electric steelmaking, modeling, foundry forge steel section, the the fully equipped mechanical welding steel welded assemblies for implementation; machining sector comprising three sections equipped with machine tools and equipment that can provide processing, assembling and testing complex equipment, the heat treatment. Science ago FORTUS certification implemented and applied quality system according to ISO 9001/2008.