Gabriel Avăcăriței
Romania passes again through a turning point. It is about mining, hydrocarbons, renewables integration, the nuclear industry or centralized heat distribution. In all these matters, and some others, there are decisions to be made and decisions to be explained. Not only towards companies, in more or less covered negotiations, but also to the general public. Apart from imposing new taxes on infrastructure, in addition to arbitrary price hikes in gas and electricity , besides charging new fuel excise, people ask from the authorities rational justification for a policy and another. Little communities and increasingly influential groups, even though more dispersed, demand the government and regulators to become real partners for dialogue.
At the same time and with the same urgency it is mandatory for large and small energy companies to propose themselves as reliable and consistent source of information, analyses and expertise.
We are entering an era of revolutions. Will they be beneficial and gentle or violent and destructive? Will they pave the way for a revival of the energy industry or will they draw it nearer to extinction? Anyhow will they display, there will be no silence at all. Governments and companies, experts and the public will have to learn to talk about revolution.