Acasă » Electricity » Transelectrica, more than 5 billion lei in investments for grid expansion

Transelectrica, more than 5 billion lei in investments for grid expansion

3 July 2014

ANRE approved Transelectrica’s 10-year plan for development of the electricity transmission network (RET). This plan is drawn up every two years. The planned investments amount to 5.3 billion lei, and one of the objectives to be achieved by 2023 is deepening systems interconnection with Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria and Moldova, states a press release.

Lines and new substations are planned so that the energy produced by new production capacities can be transmitted from production areas (eg renewable energy in Dobrogea) to those with high consumption. The document states the intention to replace old equipment with new one, resulting in increased strength, safety, flexibility of the grid and a reduction in operating costs. The Projects of Common Interest will be carefully monitored and the company will contribute to their fulfillment, said Transelectrica.

Keeping an eye on the capital market and on European funds

About sources of funding for this bold and expensive plan, Transelectrica added: “The company will use an appropriate and balanced mix to finance planned investments, with consideration of all options and tools provided by financial markets and funds programs operated by European Union.”

About loans and obtaining attractive interest rates, the company must have a good financial standpoint to provide assurance that it can pay creditors and to have a level of liquidity to improve credit rating. After each national transmission network operator makes its 10-year development plan of the network, it is given a unified vision of pan-European infrastructure development by ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity.

Over 20 million euros for communications maintenance

Transelectrica granted Teletrans, one of its subsidiary, a contract of 91.8 million lei (20.81 million euros) for maintenance of communication systems, which will run between 2014 and 2017. Teletrans telecommunications operator was established in 2002 and provides communications and Internet services.


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