
Alpiq RomEnergie




A big name in its industry and an unique combination of combining a complete portfolio in production and transport of energy with a portfolio dedicated for services and technologies for the construction sector.

Pe scurt

Turnover: 539.20 mil. lei
Profit: 8.0268 mil. lei
Employees: 17

Key People

Anca Iosif - CFO


Alpiq is one of the leading energy companies in Europe, with its headquarters in Switzerland and with operations across Europe. It produces and transports electric energy and has in place trading activities and delivery services for it. The Energy Segment offers all the necesary technical services to produce, transmit and utilize this type of energy. It covers the whole range of services for the electricity instalations and also a holistic portfolio in services and construction technologies. As an independent company in this sector, the Alpiq Group has as costumers SME, big international conglomerates and public institutions. Also, in its costumer base we find energy providers, local authorities, industrial companies si a whole range of institutional and private investors.


1 Washington Street, 2nd floor, District 1, Bucharest