Acasă » Electricity » Trading » CEZ invests more in power distribution networks

CEZ invests more in power distribution networks

16 September 2016

The over 1.4 million consumers in the Arges, Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinti, Olt, Teleorman and Valcea counties, will benefit in 2016 from improved quality parameters of the electricity supplied.

The CEZ Distributie spokesman, Roxana Mărgineanu, told Agerpres that this is possible through the allotment of 166.37 million lei expenses with investments and 166.70 million lei for startup in the seven counties in which it operates .

“Also, these investments will lead to a reduction in the number of interruptions and to increase safety in the operation of equipment managed,” said Mărgineanu.

According to the quoted source, the works that were performed and continue to be performed in the transport infrastructure and electricity distribution will provide consumers with a power supply to at higher standards.

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