Acasă » Thermo » Cogeneration » Romgaz wants to sue the builders of the Iernut power plant for delays

Romgaz wants to sue the builders of the Iernut power plant for delays

6 November 2019

Romgaz wants to purchase legal consulting services for a possible dispute with the builders of the power plant in Iernut, Romelectro and Duro Felguera, is shown in the convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on December 11, transmitted to the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

One of the items on the agenda refers to “the approval of the purchase of legal consulting, assistance and/ or external legal representation services of SNGN Romgaz SA, in a possible dispute with the association Duro Felguera and Romelectro, having as object the development of CTE Iernut.”

In 2016, the national gas producer Romgaz signed a contract worth 268 million euros, without VAT, with the companies Duro Felguera and Romelectro, for the creation of a new power plant for the production of electricity within the Iernut power plant, according to Agerpres.

The plant was supposed to be in use in early 2020, according to the initial plans, but delays have arisen, both as a result of disagreements between partners and with a provision in GEO 114 regarding the increase in construction wages, as Adrian Volintiru, the director of the company, stated at the end of August.

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