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Electric vehicles – covering the distance to maturity (July 9 – ONLINE)

09 Jul 2020 @ 10:00 - 13:00

Thursday, on July 9th, from 10:00, Energynomics invites you to another ONLINE edition of our meetings this year, dedicated to experts and decision makers in the energy industry: Electric vehicles – covering the distance to maturity. The speakers and Energynomics Team will meet at the headquarters of the Automobile Bavaria Baneasa (Bucharest – Ploieşti Street, No. 53A), to produce and broadcast yet another expert conversation about the e-mobility in Romania. The electromobility index calculated by Roland Berger places the Romanian market at one third of the potential it can reach by 2025. Market development is described by indicators such as the dynamics of electric vehicle registrations, the evolution of operating costs or the rhythm of building new charging stations. One of the good signs is having the municipalities more and more involved in the electric transport segment, as the environmental concerns win their way from citizens to politicians’ agendas. However, business models are far from crystallized, and the solutions – in respect with power supply, access to infrastructure, offering of e-cars, sensors and dedicated communication platforms – are all in an already fierce competition, though not quite visible. Join our event on MyConnector platform to discover what are this years’ trends in the evolution of the electric car industry and what actions are to be taken today in order to be well placed tomorrow!



Event recommended by the Regulatory Authority for Energy – ANRE.






Join us for an open discussion on:

  • Perspectives in developing the charging infrastructure for electric cars
  • The role and impact of local authorities, examples of good practices in Romania
  • E-car models and available mobility services
  • Prices, total cost of ownership and financial management of investment in e-cars
  • Incentives and obstacles in the transition to fleets of electric cars


Since 2015, Energynomics is an energetic supporter of electric mobility in Romania:

Energy Breakfast Club is a meeting of 2 to 3 hours where energy specialists have the opportunity to keep themselves up to date with the latest information and the most influential views on one the hot topics of the moment.