Bogdan Tudorache
Enel officials claim that now they can offer dividends worth more than 615 million euro to shareholders – including the Romanian state and Fondul Proprietatea, as “the context created by the new regulatory framework, which defines a minimum level of investment, as well as the good current financial position companies, as a result of a sound and prudent management policy” allow it, according to a response sent at the request
“The General Meetings of the Shareholders of E-Distributie Banat, E-Distributie Dobrogea and E-Distributie Muntenia recently approved the granting of dividends amounting to 2,955 billion lei, from the result reported from previous years.
Thus, E-Distribuţie Banat will grant dividends worth 886.15 million lei, E-Distribuţie Dobrogea will grant dividends reaching 502.7 million lei, while E-Distribution Muntenia will grant dividends worth 1.566 billion lei.
Granting of dividends takes into account the context created by the new regulatory framework, which defines a minimum level of investment, as well as the current good financial position of the companies, as a result of a sound and prudent management policy. The updated estimates of the cash flows are strictly correlated with the new regulatory framework,” the company statement shows.
Currently, the Enel Group owns 78% of the shares of E-Distribuție Muntenia, while the FP has 12% and the Romanian State, through SAPE, has a 10% share. Regarding E-Distributie Banat, the shareholding structure is as follows: Enel Group – 51%, FP – 24.12%, SAPE – 24.86%; for E-Distributie Dobrogea the structure is: Enel Group – 51%, Fondul Proprietatea – 24.09%, SAPE – 24.9%.
“Thus, the shareholders will collect the following amounts in the form of dividends from the 3 companies – the Company for the Management of Energy Assets (SAPE) will receive dividends worth 502.2 million lei, Fondul Proprietatea will receive dividends worth 522, 9 million lei, while the Enel Group will receive 1.93 billion lei.”