Acasă » General Interest » Professional Development » Bosch signs a new strategic partnership with Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj

Bosch signs a new strategic partnership with Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj

10 March 2020
General Interest

Bosch, global leader in providing technologies and services, signs a new partnership agreement with Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (UBB). The agreement aims to support the master’s program “High performance calculation and analysis of large volumes of data” carried out by the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at UBB Cluj, concretizing the common strategic directions of the educational institution and the company to provide quality education and to provide well-trained specialists for the IT industry.

Promoter of lifelong learning philosophy and trusted partner of the academic community, Bosch thus reiterates his commitment to the educational system in Romania. “The Bosch Group is constantly developing programs and initiatives in Romania that support the relationship between education and the economic environment. For us, the partnership with Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj is an integral part of our strategy at the national level and allows us to offer students the opportunity to access a solid career in the field of advanced technologies,” said Mihai Boldijar, Managing Director of Robert Bosch SRL and the representative of Bosch Group in Romania.

“The signing of this new Partnership Agreement represents the strengthening of the collaboration relationship between the Bosch Engineering Center in Cluj and the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. At the same time, it is a step by which we expand our partnership for the benefit of the local community and the company. The future of our company is based not only on the current ones, but also on the future employees who are well prepared for the digitalization age, of the industry, of things and of connected services,” said Dennis Raabe, director of the Bosch Engineering Center in Cluj.


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