Acasă » General Interest » BVB recovered 4.63% in April, posting the highest monthly growth rate

BVB recovered 4.63% in April, posting the highest monthly growth rate

13 May 2020
General Interest

The companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), included in the BET index, registered an increase of 4.63% in April, compared to March, this being the highest monthly growth rate so far this year. , according to the monthly report published by BVB. However, at the end of the first four months, the capital market in Romania recorded a decrease of 20 percent in terms of the BET index.

The representatives of the Bucharest Stock Exchange claim that the surge was possible after the investors positively re-evaluated the Romanian companies listed on BVB in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, according to Agerpres.

“Any crisis situation also generates opportunities, and on the stock market they become obvious and easier to follow. Companies that just a few months ago had a much higher market valuation have now become more attractive to investors. In addition, dividend yields offered by the Romanian companies are still to the liking of the investors,” said the president of BVB, Radu Hanga.

The increase of the stock market reported in April was possible also due to the basic effect, after in March the Romanian capital market registered a decrease of 16.4 percent, thus following the trend started in February and manifested also at the level of foreign markets, the report shows.

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