Bogdan Tudorache
After talks with the Chinese partner dragged on for several years, the government issued the new integrated multi-annual strategy PNIESC, which provides for the construction of a single new reactor at Cernavoda by 2030. Official statements showed, even before the installation of the new liberal government, that it would be preferable to reach an agreement with possible Western partners in a NATO member country, but only now has the government formally decided to end the partnership with the Chinese from CGN.
Thus, the Ministry of Economy, the main shareholder of Nuclearelectrica, introduced on the agenda of the meeting of shareholders convened on June 12, the abrogation of the old strategy and the selection of new partners.
This is what the summoning document looks like: ”Request to introduce the following items on the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders convened for 12.06.2020/15.06.2020: The abrogation of the Strategy for the continuation of Cernavoda Units 3 and 4 project through the organization of an investor selection procedure (2014) as well as the revised Strategy for the continuation of Cernavoda Units 3 and 4 project through an investor selection procedure (2018). The empowerment of the SNN Board of Directors to initiate the procedures/undertakings/actions regarding the ceasing of the negotiations with CGN, as well as the ceasing of the legal effects (through party agreement, denunciation etc) of the following documents: The Memorandum of Understanding regarding the development, construction, operation and decommissioning of Cernavoda NPP Units 3 and 4 (MoU), and respectively of the Investors Agreement in preliminary form. The empowerment of the SNN Board of Directors to initiate the necessary undertakings for the analysis and crystallization of the strategic options regarding the construction of additional nuclear energy production capacities.”