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Smart cities – efficient buildings, green infrastructure, digitalization (April 22)

22 Apr 2021 @ 10:00 - 14:00

Thursday, on April 22nd, 2020, from 10.00 am, Energynomics invites you to an interactive conference for the invited experts and decision-makers to present technologies and business models for smart cities, as well as projects that will materialize in the coming years. The degree of comfort offered by the cities is growing, gradual, each year. Between the predictable peace of our own home and the chaos of public transport in major urban centers, we are ever more dependant on a new application or a new delivery service.

Smart devices and smart business models find their place faster and faster everywhere, from real estate (residential and commercial) to industrial, logistics and transport, to utility grids and off-grid solutions. Everywhere, there are technical solutions and equipment that automatically cover all the comfort and operating needs of end-users.

Increasingly, artificial intelligence and digitalization are being incorporated into everyday life, as the largest companies compete in innovative proposals and mass-market products and services, while the newcomers launch cutting- edge technological solutions, from sensors to software and automation equipment that discreetly contribute to increased efficiency and performance.

How do we balance our growing energy and communication needs with ever less environmental impact? We aim to bring before you experts and companies to learn a little bit more about technologies and behaviors, as well as about projects that will change your life in the years to come!




We will talk about sensors, software and automation equipment that can provide almost imperceptibly maximum efficiency and performance.

  • Smart buildings • What are the elements that make a smart building. How does a smart building help us? Smart operation and maintenance services • How it is made, how much it costs and to whom it is addressed. Models of smart buildings in retail commerce • Smart buildings in logistics and industry – models of good practice • Smart buildings for landlords and tenants – different roles in the competition for technology in office buildings • How smart buildings contribute to improving the lifestyle of employees and their productivity? • Efficient lighting – Security lighting
  • Mobility • e-mobility in a smart city • Smart transport and traffic management systems. • Urban monitoring and optimization • Smart networks and platforms for connected spaces. Monitoring and support services
  • Renewable energies • The impact of buildings on the environment. Ways to reduce carbon footprint – strategies and partnerships • Smart utilities for smart buildings and public spaces • Renewable energy resources for the urban environment
  • Digitization and IoT • Smart Cities & Big Data – IoT Network Edge Infrastructure and End Devices • Smart factories – how close are they? • Transforming facility management services into the digital age. Trends of the year in FMS Building Management System & IoT Integration • Cybersecurity & Safety. Challenges and vulnerabilities of an integrated system • IoT connectivity: costs, security and operational benefits • Security and privacy, security and threats. • Digital Innovation Services • Digital transformation in the public sector
  • Energy efficiency • Legislation, regulation, efficiency solutions. Energy manager – regulations and the role in the company, which companies must submit ANRE statements • Energy efficiency and automation technologies. Smart metering. Energy efficiency projects: examples and good practices. Financing in the area of energy efficiency for buildings • Monitoring and control – how do we reduce operating costs? • Efficient consumption

Demonstrations will be provided and the speakers invited will answer questions launched during the LIVE session.

The VIDEO Conference will be held in Romanian, with no translation provided.


Access to the conference is open to all professionals in the Romanian energy industry and related sectors. You can register HERE.

This conference is organized by Energynomics with the support of our partners ABB, Bjorn Heizung, Eaton, Claritech, EnergoBit, Horvath & Partners, SAS România & Moldova, Wiren Energy, ACE Industrial Software Solutions.