


Oil and Gas


Company activity includes the production, distribution and sale of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Bottled metal containers, distribution and marketing of LPG (Autogas) and commercial propane (propane).

Pe scurt

Key People

Gabriel Stoicescu - General Manager


Production operations are concentrated in the two bottling stations in Negoieşti and Timisoara . Distribution of products is carried nationally via specialized networks and specific marketing segment separately.
The current name of the company ( Gaspeco L & D SA ) was established in January 2013 , at which time the purchase was completed .
Before this time , the company name was Petrom LPG SA , company name in the period 2007-2012 , during which the company's owner was OMV Petrom SA .
During 1996-2007 company called Shell Gas Romania SA Gaspeco L & D holds leadership positions in all three segments of marketing products ( bottles , Propane Autogas and Commercial ) .
They own the largest fleet of cylinders used for household consumption in Romania , as a result of investments made over time as Shell Gas Romania SA and OMV Petrom SA .
Supported by strategic relationship with OMV Petrom SA , the strategic positioning of assets geographically national presence , Gaspeo L & D seeks to strengthen its Operator Main Square Romanian LPG by offering customers products and services and the development of strategic partnerships term .


28-30 Floreasca Road, Bucharest, 1 District