CITR found a buyer for RAFO Onești refinery – 6 million dollars
The company Roserv Oil, part of the GRAMPET Group, acquired the industrial platform of the RAFO Onești refinery, announced CITR,…
Turnover: 120.93 mil. lei
Profit: 0
Employees: 82
Gratian Calin - Vicepresident
Grampet Group is the largest private rail group in Romania and in South-Eastern Europe. Set up in 1999, Grampet Group includes several companies with activities in all railway sectors, from the transport of goods, rolling stock manufacturing and repairs to logistics management. Grampet Group puts together complex programmes for the development and modernization of member-companies and is responsible for the strategic control of all its divisions. In the past years, the group has extended its activity and currently it provides services in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Serbia, Montenegro, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. Grampet owns the biggest private railway operator in Romania, Grup Feroviar Roman. In Bulgaria the group operates through Bulgarian Railway Company and Train Hungary, thus succeeding in delivering integrated transport and logistics services to its customers.