About 73% of people who buy construction materials have a better opinion about products that are certified and labeled as green, compared to those that do not have this certification. At the same time, 86% of buyers agree with the introduction of a mandatory label in the local market, attesting to how sustainable a product is in terms of environmental impact, according to an online survey conducted by Holcim Romania.
The study also shows that 20% of respondents take into account the impact of products on the environment when they choose to buy a particular brand or product in the construction industry.
“The introduction of a mandatory label certifying the sustainability of products in the construction materials sector would differentiate existing products on the market, being helpful in the purchasing decision-making process of the buyer. For this reason, Holcim has launched the Green Label, a system for self-assessment of the climate performance of its products, through which we support the transition to sustainable construction, in the context of urbanization and climate change,” said Edmund Piess, Director of Sustainability of Holcim Romania.
The study conducted by the company also analyzed consumer associations regarding the visual identity and perception of the Green Label of Holcim products. Thus, most often, Romanian consumers associate the Green Label with environmental protection. 40% of respondents mentioned the following concepts when asked how they perceive Holcim products labeled Green: “ecological”, “environmentally friendly”, “good for the environment”, “environmental protection”, “low pollution” or “It is not polluting.”