Distribuție Energie Electrică Romania (DEER) benefits from two new contracts for the modernization of the network, with a total value of approximately 272 million lei, 80% co-financed by the Modernization Fund, announced the Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu.
“Today we signed two contracts for the construction and modernization of electricity distribution networks, the beneficiary being Distribuție Energie Electrică Romania S.A. Project 1: 110/20kv Sibiu West transformer station, Sibiu municipality. The total value of the project is of 70,301,509 lei including VAT, and the deadline for the completion of the investment is 30.06.2025. The maximum amount secured from the Modernization Fund is of 45,168,571 lei, representing 80% of the project’s eligible expenses,” the minister wrote on the official Facebook page.
Through the implementation of the “110/20kV Sibiu West Transformation Station, Sibiu municipality” project, investments will be made in the energy infrastructure to ensure safe, secure and continuous operation of electricity distribution services.
“Project 2: Modernization of the 110kV electricity distribution networks in the area of the Centru-Airport-Ioșia-Mecanica electrical transformer stations – Oradea municipality. The total value of the Project is of 201,948,551 lei including VAT, and the deadline for the completion of the investment is 30.06.2026. The maximum amount secured from the Modernization Fund is of 126,273,755 lei, representing 80% of the eligible expenses of the project,” the statement adds.
Through the implementation of the project “Modernization of the 110kV electricity distribution networks in the area of the Centru, Airport, Ioșia and Mecanica transformer stations” – Oradea, investments will be made in the energy infrastructure to ensure the safe, secure and continuous operation of energy distribution services.