Acasă » Renewables » solar » Agrovoltaic » Eurowind Energy invests 50 mln. euro in a new solar park in Alba County

Eurowind Energy invests 50 mln. euro in a new solar park in Alba County

8 June 2023

Eurowind Energy, Danish developer and operator of wind, solar and hybrid projects, will start this year, in October, the construction of a new photovoltaic park, with a capacity of 70 MW, located near the city of Teiuş, Alba county.

The construction of the park represents the company’s fourth project in Romania and has budgeted an investment of 50 million euro.

“We proposed that, through everything we do, we contribute to building a sustainable, greener and better future for all of us, and the photovoltaic park from Teiuş represents another step on this path. This park is only the beginning of what follows as part of our plans in Romania, with a pipeline of energy projects of approximately 4GW. We are convinced that by investing in renewable energy solutions, we are not only helping to reduce the global climate challenge, but also to develop areas and communities, which makes us extremely happy and motivates us to continue in this direction,” said Adrian Dobre, country manager Romania, Eurowind Energy.

The Teiuş photovoltaic park is the fourth renewable energy project developed by Eurowind Energy in Romania, the company having 12 operational energy parks in Europe with a capacity of 100 MW. The other local projects are the photovoltaic parks in Halchiu, Măgurele (both built in 2013) and Pufești (built in 2012), each with a capacity of 2.03 MW, 3.38 MW, and 1.5 MW respectively, totaling a capacity of approximately 7 MW.

Scheduled to become operational next year, in 2024, the photovoltaic park from Teiuş will be developed on an area of 80 hectares and will have 119,184 photovoltaic modules, with a total capacity of 70 MW, generating 102.05 GWh per year. Thus, the new project will be able to supply up to 30,050 households with electricity annually. After the completion of the construction, Eurowind Energy will keep the photovoltaic park in its ownership.

“The new agrovoltaic park in Teiuş will combine the production of electricity from renewable sources (photovoltaic panels) with agriculture, thus contributing to the development of the area both in terms of energy and agricultural activities. 130 owners will be able to use for agricultural purposes the 80-hectare land on which the park is built, their animals having access to graze,” the company press release states.

With a very high potential for development throughout the world, the agrovoltaic project concept involves the joint use of the same land surface both for the production of photovoltaic solar energy and for agriculture, thus maximizing the available resources and contributing to the reduction of climate effects.

Eurowind Energy has over 400 employees in 15 European countries and the USA, being present on the Romanian market since 2011.

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