Romgaz will have its own rating, necessary to launch a new bond issue of around 1 billion euro on the international market, necessary for the refinancing of Neptun Deep, Răzvan Popescu, the company’s general manager, told the press, responding to Energynomics. For now, Romgaz is considering concluding a legal representation contract to start the process of obtaining the new rating, said Popescu.
Moreover, in the convenor of the GSM for July 27 of Romgaz, it is also specified “the approval of the purchase of legal services in order to conclude and carry out some rating contracts, for obtaining external financing and for the purchase of shares/assets of some natural gas distribution companies” .
At the same time, Popescu also stated that the size of the new bond issue could be 1 billion euros, probably in two tranches.
“The Neptun Deep project enters a new phase, and the final decision to invest in these fields is a historic one, which will bring undeniable benefits to Romania’s energy security and independence. Thus, Romgaz remains committed to achieving the objectives of this project and we are confident that ANRM will confirm the development plan of the two deposits as soon as possible, from which point the development stage of these two deposits will actually begin,” he said.