Acasă » General Interest » General Council of Bucharest City Hall approved the merger between ELCEN and Termoenergetica

General Council of Bucharest City Hall approved the merger between ELCEN and Termoenergetica

7 March 2024
General Interest

The General Council voted again, in principle, the merger between ELCEN and Termoenergetica. The project was put on the additional agenda at the request of PNL Bucharest and Sebastian Burduja, Minister of Energy and possible candidate for the Capital City Hall.

“The provisions of the Memorandum approved during the meeting of the Government of Romania dated 31. 01. 2024, which has as its theme “Realization of the public service of thermal energy supply in a centralized system (SACET), i.e. production, transport, distribution and supply thermal energy in the Municipality of Bucharest, with a view to the optimal use of energy resources and in compliance with the norms of environmental protection, population health and sustainable development”. The merger between Societatea Electrocentrale Bucuresti S.A. (ELCEN) and Compania Municipala Termoenergetica Bucuresti SA is approved in principle,” it is stated in the draft decision approved on Wednesday by the General Council, according to

Initially, the general mayor, Nicușor Dan, did not want to put the project on the agenda, arguing that there is still a General Council decision that allows the merger.

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