Energy and fuel prices will increase between 44% and 130% in the next 25 years, reveals a new study carried out by the Intelligent Energy Association (AEI) at the request of ACUE (Federation of Associations of Energy Utilities Companies), modeled at the level of the city of Târgu Mureș.
The first study on the energy conversion of a city in Romania to full-electric, carried out by AEI, at the request of ACUE, shows that out of three scenarios analyzed (full electric, Mix energy with and without heating), the full electric scenario would bring the most large increases in energy costs for the population over the next 25 years.
“Switching all consumption to electricity leads to the highest costs for citizens compared to other solutions,” claims AEI.
“Analyzing the average energy costs and taxes paid for the application of energy policies for the scenarios considered in the city where the analysis was carried out, the following emerges: in all scenarios energy and fuel costs will increase in the next 25 years by 44% – 130%. In the next 12 years, energy and fuel costs are 14% – 25% lower on the current situation, compared to the application of any of the scenarios 1, 2 or 3. Perpetuation of the current situation risks bringing double energy costs in the following 25 years, 20% – 36% higher than any of the analyzed scenarios,” say the authors of the study.
“The highest costs are obtained in situations where all consumption is switched to electricity (Scenario 2). In the first 12 years, citizens must pay up to 224 euros/year more than the current situation (14% more than they should pay if the current situation is maintained), in the perspective of 2050, citizens will pay with approx. 600 euros/year less (20% less than should be paid if the current situation is maintained).
“The lowest costs are obtained in the case of a partial transition to electric cars, the heating of new buildings and individual houses with heat pumps, the development of heating networks, etc. (Scenario 3). Even if in the first 10 years citizens would have to pay up to 470 euros/year more than the current situation (25% more than they would have to pay if the current situation is maintained), in the perspective of 2050 citizens follow to pay approx. 1276 euros/year less (36% less than what should be paid if the current situation is maintained) and 518 euros/year less compared to the scenario of switching consumption to electricity (19%),” shows the study carried out at the level of the city of Târgu Mureș.