Acasă » Electricity » Păun, ACUE: Investment need in distribution networks is worth 15.6 bln. euro for the period 2020-2030

Păun, ACUE: Investment need in distribution networks is worth 15.6 bln. euro for the period 2020-2030

15 May 2024

The investment requirement in distribution networks is 15.6 billion euro for the period 2020-2030, of which about 9 billion euro must be attracted in addition to what the distribution operators have already planned from their own funds and from the European funds attracted for the period next, said Cristina Păun, deputy director of the Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies (ACUE).

“The objectives of the PNIESC (Integrated National Plan in the field of Energy and Climate Change, n.r.) can only be achieved with the preparation and adaptation of electricity distribution networks. An ACUE analysis estimates that the investment requirement for the period 2020-2030 is of 15.6 billion euro. Of these, about 9 billion euro are additional money that must be attracted in addition to what distribution operators have already planned from their own funds and from the European funds attracted for the next period. The distribution sector is in competition with other sectors and it must be attractive enough to attract these additional private funds. This can be done through a stimulating regulatory framework and an adequate remuneration of capital for investments,” said Cristina Păun, according to Agerpres.

According to her, consumers need a stable network, a quality distribution service, a resilient network and investments.

“Consumers and prosumers are starting to play an active role in the energy system. In addition to the needs we knew so far, they are starting to have other types of consumers, such as heat pumps, larger consumers in residential areas, such as cars electric,” Cristina Păun also said.

In his opinion, the digitization of networks must be supported in the new regulatory framework for the next 5 years, which will boost investments in this area, both in hardware and in software “because investments in digitization are integrated in networks and must be integrated even if we talk about prosumers”.

“They are digitization solutions inside the households through which the prosumer can direct his consumption during the day when he produces, turn on certain consumers in the house to consume the energy produced or invest in storage batteries, which we we have been supporting for some time, so that it moves production during the day as close as possible to the evening, when it needs to consume more,” added the ACUE representative.


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