Acasă » Electricity » E.ON: 70% of Romanians are interested about air conditioner consumption

E.ON: 70% of Romanians are interested about air conditioner consumption

26 June 2024

The price, energy consumption, cooling capacity, but also installation assurance are some of the main criteria considered by Romanians when they decide to purchase an air conditioner, according to a sociological research carried out for the platform, a project supported by the companies Delgaz Grid and E.ON.

Thus, almost 57% of those surveyed indicated the purchase cost as very important, and almost 70% declared themselves extremely interested in the energy consumption of the A/C device. The BTU capacity (British Thermal Unit – expresses the amount of heat that the device can remove from a room, within an hour) is also an essential criterion, considered by 97% of respondents.

Almost 91% of the respondents would opt for a cooling device with inverter technology, which significantly reduces energy consumption, since the temperature in the room is regulated without the need to stop and start the compressor repeatedly. In addition, devices that have an inverter are quieter than classic ones, almost 93% of Romanians being interested in their noise level.

Ensuring the installation of the air conditioner is also a basic criterion in the purchase decision, with almost 53% of respondents declaring themselves extremely interested in this aspect.

The noise level, the quality of the air filtration and the Wi-Fi module are other aspects that are carefully analyzed by Romanians and that make the difference when they choose to be equipped with such cooling equipment in the home.

The brand of the manufacturer of the cooling device is important for three quarters of Romanians, and the design is mentioned by almost 60% of them. Also, more than 90% of the participants in the study do not only think about the immediate costs, but also the long-term ones related to the maintenance of the devices.

When it comes to where they purchased the air conditioner, almost 49% indicated online stores, 24% DIY stores, but there is also a category of buyers (4.3%) who went directly to their air conditioner suppliers. energy for a cooling package (air conditioning system, installation and post-installation services).




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