Acasă » Electricity » Hidro » Burduja: Tarnița-Lăpuşteşti project should be of national strategic importance

Burduja: Tarnița-Lăpuşteşti project should be of national strategic importance

10 July 2024

The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, stated on Tuesday, in Argeş County, referring to the Tarnița-Lăpuşteşti project, that he wants it to be declared of national strategic importance, so that it benefits from an accelerated implementation.

“I would still like the big energy projects to be supported by the big energy companies – Hidroelectrica, Romgaz… You have and we have a great opportunity and, I think, a great responsibility. Storage is the first need of the national energy system. We have calls launched from the PNRR – 200 million more from the Modernization Fund. At least as important is the storage in pumped storage plants. Of these, the flagon project is Tarnița-Lăpusteşti, which we restarted in the current Government and which is in the stage of evaluating the offers for the feasibility study,” said the minister, according to Agerpres.

In this context, he showed that an accelerated implementation of the project is desired, which is why it would be declared of national strategic importance.

“With your permission, Mr. Prime Minister, we want to work on a normative act to declare the project of national strategic importance and ensure its accelerated implementation, to derogate from all the obligations from which it is possible to derogate, thus so that this project is implemented in the shortest possible time,” added Burduja.

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu and the Minister of Energy participated in the signing of the contract for the modernization of the Vidraru Hydropower Plant.

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