Acasă » Electricity » Romania’s electricity consumption, 30% higher than on normal summer days

Romania’s electricity consumption, 30% higher than on normal summer days

19 July 2024

Romanians consumed in the last ten days, when temperatures started to rise significantly, about 30% more electricity in the evening peaks compared to the first week of July, according to Transelectrica data, analyzed by

Thus, the evening peaks in the last 10 days were between 8,400 and 8,600 MW, compared to about 6,500 – 7,000 MW, which was the peak consumption in the first week of July.

Even though the producers started coal-fired groups from Paroșeni and Ișalnița, as well as a gas group from Electrocentrale Bucharest, consumption could not be ensured from domestic production during the evening peaks and our country turned to imports.

For example, on Tuesday, July 16, when there was the highest consumption (8,600 MW), Romania imported over 2,200 MW, the maximum capacity being 3,000 MW.

Energy consumption in the Capital, 45% higher than on a normal summer day

At the same time, the consumption of electricity in Bucharest also increased a lot during these hot days, reaching even 45% higher than on a normal summer day, as the representatives of stated to the Rețele Electrice company, the energy distributor from the PPC group (formerly Enel).

“In Bucharest, the instantaneous consumption in the afternoon of July 16 (when the maximum level of heatwave was reached – n.r.) was approximately 1,280 MW, approximately 45% above the average load of a day with normal temperatures this summer.

And at the level of Ilfov county, electricity consumption is significant, exceeding in certain time intervals the values ​​recorded by the cities of Timișoara and Arad combined”, the company’s representatives showed.

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