Acasă » Electricity » ANRE intervenes to lower the huge prices in the balancing market

ANRE intervenes to lower the huge prices in the balancing market

22 July 2024

The Regulatory Authority issued an order, put up for public debate, through which the mechanism for settling transactions in the balancing market will be changed, where huge prices were reached this year, even 16,000 lei/MWh, writes

Electricity producers who will offer energy in the balancing market will no longer receive the marginal price at which the market closes, but the price they come to offer, and the measure will be applied until the end of 2026.

“The lack of balancing resources, in the quantities required by the system, led to the steep increase in prices for balancing energy, with a direct effect in increasing the costs of market participants’ imbalances.

“Thus, it is proposed that for a limited period of time, until the connection to the European IT platforms for balancing, but no later than December 31, 2026, a tempering of the prices of the imbalances obtained at the settlement in the balancing market will be carried out. In this sense, it is proposed to change the remuneration mechanism for balancing energy offers, i.e. instead of the marginal price principle, the offer price principle should be used temporarily, thus reducing the balancing costs of the electric power system,” says the statement of reasoning for the draft order.



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