Acasă » Thermo » Mining » Coal production fell by almost 21% in the first 5 months

Coal production fell by almost 21% in the first 5 months

29 July 2024

Romania’s net coal production totaled, in the first five months of this year, 858,700 tons of oil equivalent, being 20.9% lower (minus 203,800 toe) compared to that of the similar period in 2023, according to data centralized by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

Net coal imports were, in the mentioned period, 87,100 toe, lower by 18,800 toe (minus 17.8%) compared to January-May 2023, according to Agerpres.

In the latest forecast of the energy balance, the National Strategy and Forecast Commission indicated that, until 2026, the dynamics of coal production and imports are expected to decrease, as other energy production capacities will be put into operation.

Thus, in 2024, production will decrease by 6.7% (to 2.525 million toe) and imports by 6.7% (to 195,000 toe), in 2025 by 8.6% (to 2.31 million toe), respectively by 4.5% (to 185,000 toe), and in 2026 by 10.2% (to 2.075 million toe), respectively by 2.5% (to 180,000 toe).

According to the National Strategy and Forecasting Commission, the dynamics of coal production and their import are predicted to decrease, in the period 2024-2027, as other energy production capacities will be put into operation, which will decrease by 11.4%, respectively with 24.5%.

In the last Forecast of the energy balance, CNSP estimates that this year coal production will total 1.92 million tons of oil equivalent, down 17.3% compared to the previous year, in 2025 – 1.718 million toe (minus 10.5%) , in 2026 – 1.555 million toe (minus 9.5%) and in 2027 – 1.432 million toe (minus 7.9%).

Imports will decrease in 2024 by 15.4% compared to 2023, to 206,000 toe, in 2025 by 20.5%, to 164,000 toe, in 2026 by 26.3%, to 121,000 toe and in 2027 by 34.4%, at 79,000 toe.




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