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ANRE: From 2026, auction for capacities above 5 MW and guarantees for those above 1 MW

30 July 2024

The National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) has approved the new methodology for the allocation of electricity grid capacity for the connection of electricity generation sites. The new rules will apply from January 1, 2026 and cover three categories of connection requests.

The Methodology lays down the rules for the allocation by auction of new generation/consumption and generation sites with/without new storage facilities with an installed capacity of electricity generation facilities equal to or greater than 5 MW and new storage facilities with an installed capacity equal to or greater than 5 MW. The same mechanism shall apply to the granting of additional power for off-take in the case of siting at an existing generation/consumption and production site of additional electricity generation/storage installations with an installed capacity of 5 MW or more, and also to the connection to an existing consumption site of electricity generation/storage installations with an installed capacity of 5 MW or more.

Under this mechanism, the amounts collected through auctions for additional electricity network development works necessary to cover applicants’ requests for capacity allocation are used by network operators for the development of electricity networks.

The new regulation will replace the current concept of obliging connection seekers to participate in general reinforcement works in electricity networks upstream of the connection point with a tender-based mechanism for allocating electricity network capacity.

“The new Methodology […] promotes a mechanism that ensures a competitive environment that provides greater predictability in the energy system,” says George Niculescu, president of ANRE. The changes respond to situations in practice, “where market participants who apply for a technical connection permit do not complete the investment for which they applied”. “We want to see more megawatts installed in the grids, generating cheap energy, so with the new approved regulations we set out to build a new, improved mechanism to ensure a competitive framework for serious investors and to eliminate possible attempts at speculation in order to secure the connection of some capacities”, explains George Niculescu.

At the same time, the order adopted today revises the provisions of the Regulation on the connection of users to the electricity networks of public interest, approved by ANRE Order no. 59/2013 and introduces the obligation to provide “a financial guarantee of 5%, which is stipulated in the technical connection permits issued for new production/consumption and production sites with installed capacities greater than 1 MW, regardless of whether the connection solution provides for reinforcement works in the electricity networks upstream of the connection point”.

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