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Offshore wind – Strategic infrastructures and public policies

14 Nov 2024 @ 10:00 - 14:00

On Thursday, 14 November 2024, from 10.00, at the Grand Hotel Continental, in Bucharest, Energynomics proposes a meeting for the development of the offshore wind sector, where we will expose the opportunities and challenges facing this sector in Romania and promote relevant discussions with the aim of charting a solid course for the near future.

Throughout the day, we will provide an overview of the latest market developments, from the technical potential and the prospects to create new jobs based on the development of a new value chain locally, to infrastructure and technology, the legislative framework and the necessary regulations, without ignoring the necessary partnerships, costs and economies of scale!

Admission is subject to confirmation of participation from the organisers.


Romania is at a strategic moment in the development of the offshore wind sector, with significant technical potential in the Black Sea, estimated at 15 GW by 2050.

This potential could turn the country into a regional leader in renewable energy, making a significant contribution to the EU’s decarbonisation goals. The adoption of the offshore wind law and international partnerships provide a legislative and co-operation framework that could accelerate the development of major projects.

Despite legislative progress, Romania faces substantial challenges, including the need for massive investment in grid infrastructure and harbours to facilitate the connection of new offshore capacity. The integration of offshore wind energy into existing electricity grids and the development of innovative solutions, such as energy islands and HVDC cables, are essential to maximise the country’s energy potential. These solutions would not only support decarbonisation but also strengthen the energy security of Romania and the Black Sea region.



09.30-10.00 Registration of participants

10:00 – 10:05 Introduction Gabriel Avăcăriței, Chief Editor Energynomics

10:05 – 10:15 representative, Ministry of Energy

10:15 – 10:25 KEYNOTE SPEAKER

10:25 – 11:45 SESSION 1 – Infrastructure and innovation for offshore energy development


  • Upgrading transmission networks and port infrastructure: What are the technical and logistical requirements to support accelerated development of offshore projects?
  • Innovative solutions such as energy islands: How can new technologies transform offshore energy generation and distribution capacity?
  • Integration of offshore energy into national and regional grids: What measures are needed to ensure an efficient and stable interconnection of offshore wind farms with existing energy systems?
  • Strategies to attract investment in critical infrastructure: How can the regulatory and fiscal framework be optimised to attract private investors and ensure long-term stability?


11:45 – 12:00 Coffee break


12:00 – 13:15 SESSION 2 – Funding and partnerships – actors and approaches


  • Financial support schemes and access to EU funds: How can offshore projects benefit from EU funds and other sources of finance?
  • Public-private partnership models: Success stories and new opportunities for state-private collaborations in offshore wind farm development.
  • Supply chains and local capacity building: What investments are needed to support local wind equipment production and skills development?
  • Involvement of private investors: What legislative adjustments are needed to facilitate private capital involvement and attract investment in offshore energy projects?



Access to the conference is open to all professionals in the Romanian energy industry and related sectors.

Practical examples will be presented, and guest speakers will answer questions from participants.

This conference is organized by Energynomics with the support of our partners: Elgeka Ferfelis.


Critical infrastructure development

  • The need to modernise transmission networks and port infrastructur
  • Innovative solutions (energy islands, etc.)


Legislative and fiscal framework

  • Existing regulations
  • Adjustments needed to attract investment
  • Conditions for long-term stability


Financing models and partnerships

  • Financial support schemes
  • Access to European funds
  • Involving private investors


Supply chains and local capacity

  • Investing in wind energy equipment production
  • Developing local skills


Offshore wind and national energy strategy

  • The role of offshore energy in meeting climate targets
  • The impact of offshore energy on energy security and the regional energy market





Gabriel Avăcăriței Chief Editor Energynomics