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Burduja, Mandate Report: ME managed EU funds related to investments worth 13 bln. euro in 15 months

23 September 2024

The Ministry of Energy has launched and managed non-reimbursable funds for investments of over 13 billion euros, in the last 15 months, and projects of almost 10 billion euros are already signed and in implementation, the relevant minister, Sebastian Burduja, claims in a Report of the first 15 months of the mandate.

“15 months and over 13 billion euros for every corner of Romania and for every segment of activity in Romania’s energy. I continue to be transparent and communicate publicly even today, at the end of my 15-month mandate, as I did at 6 months, and at 9 months, and at 12 months. Throughout this period, we have launched and managed non-reimbursable funds for investments of over 13 billion euros, we are talking about funds that come from the PNRR, the Modernization Fund, Schemes and the National Investment Plan,” said in the cited document.

Through the National Recovery and Resilience Program, five major programs dedicated to green energy and energy efficiency are implemented. So far, 297 projects for new renewable energy capacities have been contracted, with a total value of over 2 billion euros and an installed capacity of 1881 MW. In addition, 237 million euros will be invested in the production of green hydrogen, 6 contracts being signed, and 709 million euros in the development of systems for the combined production of electricity and thermal energy (CHP), with a capacity of 486.2 MW electric and 355.8 MW thermal, according to Agerpres.

Another 280 million euros, non-refundable, will be directed to the industrial chains of production and recycling of batteries and photovoltaic panels, and 130 million euros to improve energy efficiency in the industrial sector.

From the Modernization Fund, 166 projects were signed for the production of renewable energy for self-consumption in public institutions, in total over 103 million euros. Another 63 projects, totaling almost 1.65 billion euros, were signed for the expansion and modernization of the distribution network.

The strategic investments in the electricity and natural gas transport infrastructure amount to 1.3 billion euros, and the projects from CE Oltenia another 1.5 billion euros.

“Add to all this the Electric-Up program, the energy projects from the National Investment Plan, as well as the projects managed by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. So far, in 2024, we have put into operation power plants with an installed capacity of over 290 MW and we are considering an additional 1,400 MW by the end of the year. In addition to these, we will also add 100 MW of storage capacity, an essential step for balancing the national energy system and ensuring reliability and

energy stability. This is what Romania looks like with the investments contracted so far. In total, over 9.5 billion euros (non-reimbursable funds + the beneficiaries’ contribution) are already at work and will be realized starting this year. The rest are calls that are open or that we are working hard to open. And this is only a part of the total funds that we have attracted and that we are investing in Romania, in the energy sector”, emphasized the Minister of Energy.



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