Acasă » General Interest » Environment » Valea Jiului: The transition from coal to green energy, supported with 2.14 bln. euro

Valea Jiului: The transition from coal to green energy, supported with 2.14 bln. euro

15 October 2024

In the context of the transition to a green and sustainable economy, Romania will receive 2.14 billion euro from the Just Transition Fund (JTF) to support coal-dependent regions in their efforts to phase out this fossil fuel and adopt sources of renewable energy. This fund is part of the EU’s cohesion policy and aims to mitigate the social and economic impact of the transition to climate neutrality, foreseen for 2050, claim the officials of the Association for Integrated Development in Valea Jiului (ADTIVJ).

Although the Jiu Valley region, once famous for its outstanding mining industry, has seen a significant decline over the past three decades – only about 4,000 workers are still employed in the sector, compared to more than 50,000 miners in 1990 – the region is now witnessing a change , more precisely through several EU-funded projects that contribute to more sustainable development and economic growth. The territorial just transition plans, developed by the national and regional authorities, aim to support the most affected communities, through economic diversification and the creation of new jobs, especially in the field of green technologies.

Growth of the hospitality sector

Tourism has become a viable alternative for the Jiului Valley, contributing significantly to the economic revitalization of the region. The ski resorts of Straja and Parâng have seen a substantial increase in the number of tourists in recent years, attracting investment and boosting the hospitality sector.

Another important direction in the revitalization strategy of Văia Jiului is the urban regeneration projects. European funds have enabled local authorities to access resources to modernize infrastructure, rehabilitate public buildings and transform former industrial sites into community spaces. Such projects have a direct impact on the quality of life of the inhabitants and are essential for attracting new investments and creating an attractive urban environment.

For example, the Robotics Hub project transformed a former industrial site into a high-tech educational center aimed at equipping young people with skills in robotics and technology.

Similarly, the Cultural Regeneration Program has revitalized various public spaces through cultural initiatives, transforming them into vibrant hubs for creativity and community engagement.

“By 2030, we are committed to transforming the Jiului Valley into an example of sustainable transition, a model of innovation and economic regeneration, giving local communities access not only to new jobs, but also to sustainable and diverse economic opportunities. This vision involves not only investment in infrastructure and technology, but also education and reskilling initiatives to prepare residents for the future of the green economy. We want to build an environment where young people can stay and develop innovative businesses,” said Alexandru Kelemen, Executive Director of ADTIVJ.

A clear objective for Romania, in accordance with the commitments made under the European Ecological Pact, is the complete elimination of coal by 2032. This decision is an essential step in combating climate change and achieving a sustainable economy.


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