Although the liberalization of the gas market is fast approaching, out of 35 suppliers who sell regulated gas to household consumers, nine propose a lower price than the current price, five maintain the price and 13 propose a higher price than at present, according to a study conducted by the Intelligent Energy Association (AEI).
“The Intelligent Energy Association conducted a study on the situation of gas market liberalization and public offers of gas suppliers which currently have gas consumers to whom they supply gas under regulated regime. Analyzing the offers of the 35 suppliers that sell gas under regulated regime to consumers compared to the regulated price that these consumers currently have, we find that 9 of these suppliers offer a lower price than the current price, 5 maintain the price and 13 propose a higher price than the current price at present,” it is specified in a release.
The president of AEI, Dumitru Chisăliţă, explained, in the context, that the Association calculated an indicative price of gas at the level of domestic consumers who receive gas from various suppliers, using the data published in the price comparator on the ANRE website. “This indicative price allows us to appreciate the discounts that household customers can request from their gas supplier compared to current prices,” he said, according to Agerpres.