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AFM: Prosumers’ subsidy program to include storage


This year’s session of the Photovoltaic Green House Program will start by the end of August, the president of the Environmental Fund Administration (AFM), Laurentiu Neculaescu, announced on Tuesday. He explained that there will be an additional incentive for storage.

“Last year’s session is being implemented (of the Green Photovoltaic House program – n.r.) reduced to electricity. This year we are almost ready for the session for 2024, where we have a larger budget than last year. We are discussing 2 billion lei allocated only for Casa Verde for individuals small change in the financing guide, in the sense in which we will also finance the necessary batteries for the photovoltaic system that each person installs. Most likely within a few days the financing guide will appear in public transparency for all citizens to know who wish to participate in this program and probably somewhere by the end of August we will actually start this program and individuals will be able to register in the IT application made available by the Environment Fund Administration. We estimate a funding somewhere around 30,000 lei for each natural person and to which they will have to come with a contribution,” said Laurențiu Neculaescu, quoted by Agerpres.

He mentioned that in last year’s session the demand was high and it is expected that there will be a high demand in this year’s session as well.

Laurențiu Neculaescu declared that the institution allocated a budget of one billion lei for the Rabla program for electric cars.

“It is ongoing now as we speak (the Rabla Program for electric cars (n.r.)) and there is another session on August 19, the last session within Rabla 2024, and next year we will develop a new Rabla 2025-2030 program We will make a multi-year program and we will see what conditions and how it will unfold after we hold all the discussions first of all with the industry, with ACAROM (Association of Automobile Manufacturers n.r.), with APIA (Association of Automobile Manufacturers and Importers. n.r), with all the associations that are engaged in this industry,” added Laurențiu Neculaescu.

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