The Administration of the Environmental Fund organizes, between November 15 and December 16, 2021, a registration session for the validation of installers within the Program on the installation of photovoltaic systems for electricity production, in order to cover the consumption needs and delivery of the surplus in the national network.
The aim of the program is to increase energy efficiency, improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by using photovoltaic panel systems to produce electricity needed for own consumption and deliver the surplus in the national energy system.
“The registration of individuals in the program will be done through the installers. After the approval of the funding guide for this year, we will announce the date from which individuals will be able to appear at the installers to enroll in the program,” said AFM President, Lorand -Arpad Fulop.
The eligibility criteria for the validation of the installer, the content of the validation file and other information regarding the submission of the validation file can be found in the Financing Guide approved by Order no. 1287/2018.