The new prime minister, Ludovic Orban, announced on Monday evening that one of the first Ordinances to be approved by the Government that he heads is for “underground blocked miners”. “The ordinance must be extended or, as well, the Ordinance adopted, so that we do not endanger their health and lives.” The normative act referred to by Orban is required by the miners who blocked themselves underground at Paroșeni and Uricani, a week ago. The Emergency Ordinance would provide for compensatory payments for miners who will be out of work, according to Hotnews.
Until last year, the dismissed miners benefited from the provisions of GEO 36/2013 regarding the granting of supplementary income, up to 24 months, depending on the age. The Emergency Ordinance was in force until last year and has not been extended by another normative act. Basically, the people who have remained unavailable cannot benefit from the money that was granted through GEO 36/2013 until last year.
The miners from Paroșeni and Uricani decided to block themselves underground. The miners asked the Government for a new emergency ordinance, but the dismissed Government had limited powers and could not approve such a normative act.