Acasă » Electricity » ANRE keeps energy prices at a regulated level until the year-end; SMEs are included

ANRE keeps energy prices at a regulated level until the year-end; SMEs are included

20 May 2020

Bogdan Tudorache

ANRE issued a new draft order “for the approval of the Methodology for establishing regulated tariffs and prices applied by suppliers of last resort to final customers for the period July 1 – December 31, 2020.” The project is under public debate.

Following the crisis generated by the coronavirus, ANRE ordered “the identification, as a matter of urgency, for a determined period of time, respectively until 31 December 2020, of mechanisms to ensure the maintenance, at current value, of prices at the electricity supplied to the domestic customers in a regulated regime,” it is shown in the substantiation note of the project.

“In this sense, the need arose to complete art. 28 of the Law on electricity and natural gas no. 123/2012 with subsequent amendments and completions… Thus, in addition to the provisions of art. 28, lit. b1) which refers to the obligation of the producer to deliver to the suppliers of last resort, until December 31, 2020, the electricity necessary to ensure the consumption of household customers for whom regulated tariffs are applied, art. II of GEO no. 74/2020 by which it is established that the obligation provided in art. 28 lt. b1) applies to producers operating dispatchable production units, only for units not benefiting from support schemes, in ascending order of prices set by the competent authority, for the entire amount of electricity needed by household consumers for whom regulated tariffs apply, thus so that they are not increased above the level practiced on the date of entry into force of the aforementioned GEO, and they can only be adjusted according to the evolution of the market, without being able to exceed the previously mentioned level,” states the substantiation note.

At the same time, the document stipulates that “suppliers of last resort are obliged to ensure the supply of electricity, in quality conditions and at reasonable prices, transparent, easily comparable and non-discriminatory according to ANRE regulations … to the following categories of customers:

  1. final customers who, at the date of entry into force of this law, have not exercised their right to eligibility
  2. domestic and non-domestic customers with proven average number of employees of less than 50 and an annual turnover or a total value of assets from the annual balance sheet that does not exceed 10 million euro.”

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