ANRE has suspicions about the compensation granted by electricity distributors to consumers last year for non-compliance with the performance standard and announces that it will initiate checks.
“There are significant differences between the ODs (distribution operators) regarding the level of compensations granted to users (with a maximum of 18.725 compensations paid at E-Distribuție Banat and a minimum of 3 compensations paid at SDEE Transilvania Nord). At country level it is found that 79% of the compensations granted were based on the non-fulfillment of the commercial quality indicators of the service. Compensation for the continuity of the distribution service represents 19.69% of the total. The compensations regarding the technical quality of the distributed electricity represent a small percentage, of 1.26% of the total compensations”, is shown in an ANRE document, according to
“Considering that the values reported by the ODs for the performance indicators do not confirm the significant differences between the number/ values of the compensations granted by the OD to the users, these aspects will be subject to control actions by ANRE”.