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ANRM changes into the National Regulatory Authority in the Mining, Petroleum and Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide (ANRMPSG)

1 July 2024

The Government established, on Friday, through an emergency ordinance, the National Regulatory Authority in the Mining, Petroleum and Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide (ANRMPSG), a specialized body of the central public administration, with legal personality, fully financed from revenues own, under the Government and the coordination of the Prime Minister, through the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, through the reorganization by transformation of the National Agency for Mineral Resources (ANRM), which is being dissolved.

In this sense, the Executive adopted the GEO for the establishment of the National Regulatory Authority in the Mining, Oil and Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts in the field of mineral resources, oil and geological storage of carbon dioxide , according to the Government’s press release, according to

It will function as a regulatory authority, fully financed from its own revenues, while ANRMPSG staff will be taken over from ANRM, the maximum number of positions being 300, besides dignitaries.

ANRMPSG will have several general objectives, including the development and systematization of the National Geological Fund and the National Fund of Resources and Reserves; the rational exploitation and development of mineral resource reserves and oil reserves, in accordance with the strategies in the field and reducing the impact on the environment. Also, the identification of new uses of the national public oil transport systems and the development of mining voids.

According to the cited source, the promotion of a safe, competitive and environmentally sustainable internal European market for the exploitation of mineral resources, oil and natural gas will be pursued and its effective opening for the benefit of all customers and suppliers in the European Union, as well as guaranteeing the appropriate conditions for sustainable exploitation, taking into account the long-term objectives, in accordance with the provisions of the European Union directives on the matter.

ANRMPSG manages oil resources, mineral resources and the national geological fund, public property of the state, defined by the Petroleum Law no. 238/2004, with subsequent amendments and additions, and by the Mining Law no. 85/2003, with subsequent amendments and additions. Among the attributions are activities for the development and promotion of projects of normative acts, rules, instructions and procedures, according to the provisions of the legislation on the geological storage of carbon dioxide.

At the same time, the legal regime for exploitation licenses is completed.

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