Uniunea Națională a Patronatului Român

Uniunea Națională a Patronatului Român




UNPR was founded on 1991 with the purpose of protecting the interests of small and medium-sized business in the services, commerce or production area.

Key People

Marian Petre Miluț - President


The National Union of Romanian Employers (UNPR) was established as a private, non-political charity involving companies with domestic, joint and foreign capital. It was founded on 1991 with the purpose of protecting the interests of small and medium-sized business in the services, commerce or production area.
UNPR is a union of employers’ federations, set up as a juridical entity with its own patrimony. Apart from its county branches, UNPR also comprises professional associations from various activity fields that represent branches and sub-branches of the national economy. The mission of the Union is to represent the legitimate interests of the small and medium-sized companies in the most important activity fields.


2 Octavian Goga Blvd., The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, Bulding B, 4 Floor, Room 4, District 3, Bucharest