Ambitious targets of the green transition require major grid investments
Electricity distribution companies are committed to increased investment in the fifth regulatory period, according to ANRE officials. We spoke to…
Nicolae Havrileț - President
Emil Calotă - Vicepresident
-promotion of a European internal market for electricity and gas secure, competitive and sustainable in terms of environment and its effective opening for all customers and suppliers in the European Union and to ensure appropriate conditions for the efficient and safe the electricity and gas networks , considering long-term objectives ;
- development of regional markets competitive and functional integrated European internal electricity market ;
- abolition of restrictions on cross-border trade in electricity and natural gas to meet demand and improve the integration of the national market in the European internal market for electricity and gas ;
- development of a national energy safe , reliable and efficient , customer-oriented mechanisms to promote energy efficiency and integration of renewable energy sources and distributed generation in both the transmission and distribution network ;
- network access to new production capacities , in particular removing barriers that prevent access of new market participants in electricity and natural gas or renewable sources of energy;
providing incentives , providing network operators electrical / gas systems and other users of the Electricity / gas systems to increase the efficiency of transport systems and power distribution and accelerate market integration ;
Consumer protection by ensuring effective competitive market by supporting vulnerable customers by imposing quality standards of public services in the electricity and natural gas to end customers by facilitating access to their consumption data needed for the switching of electricity or natural gas, as well as more accurate and complete information to consumers;
- ensuring that the operators in the energy and natural gas obligations regarding transparency.