On June 15th, energynomics.ro organizes the 3rd edition of the Energy Strategy Summit, at Ştirbey Palace, Buftea, near Bucharest, starting at 08.30. The theme of this year’s Summit is “Shaping the future – the corporate perspective”.
Mr. Toma Petcu, the Romanian Energy Minister will have the opening speech.
The first session of the day ia dedicated to global trends with local impact; it will reunite four brilliant minds, highly experienced personalities and excellent connoisseurs of global energy, political and geo-political realities of today.
- Benedikt Klauser, DG Energy, European Commission
- Frank Umbach, the Research Director of EUCERS
- Mihnea Constantinescu, Ambassador at large, Special Representative for Energy Security, Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Radu Dudău, Co-founder & Director Energy Policy Group (moderator)
Starting points
The world is changing at a rapid speed, and everything seems to impact on everything, from Brexit to the administration in Washington, from Moscow to the new breed of politicians in Canada and France, from the European dis-Union to the scattered champions in the Middle East, Africa or Asia. Technology brings to life new resources, while it kills some others. Digitalization is spreading widely throughout our lives, and societies are greener and greener year by year. However, many people are still getting their hands dirty for providing us with essential coal and oil, while others put their lives at risk for keeping the lights on and the electricity travelling through the grids.
When governments fail in keeping the pace, some companies win the public confidence, as well as the investors’ wallets. Businesses intermingle and consumers take the lead from, or they even take the place of the producers.
- What is the future we – as companies, governments and individuals – should prepare for?
- What can we reasonably expect from companies, governments and experts in order to enable us to hope for a safer, healthier, and prosperous future?
There is still time to secure yourself a place at the greatest energy event of the year!
The day will go on with three thematic sessions, with over 20 speakers – top experts and decision makers:
SESSION 1 – STRATEGIES FOR SECURITY – legal framework and national priorities (More details HERE)
SESSION 2 – STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABILITY – market design for reaching climate targets (More details HERE)
SESSION 3 – STRATEGY FOR GROWTH – technology and expertise (More details HERE)
Over 130 representatives from almost 70 organizations such as Academia Română, ACUE, AFEER, Ambasada Bulgariei, Ambasada Rusiei, Ambasada SUA, ANRE, BCR, Business-Mark, CE Oltenia, CEC Bank, CEMS EPC, CIS Gaz, CMS, CNR-CNE, CONPET, Consiliul Concurenţei, DG Energy – European Commission, E.ON România, EFdeN, Electrica SA, Elsaco Electronic, Enel, EnergoBit, Energy Policy Group, ENGIE, ERG Power Generation, EUCERS, Expert Petroleum, Franklin Templeton Investment, Gestamp, Hidroelectrica, Horváth & Partners, Kerui, Klarmedia, KMGI, Kompact Grid, Lazard Frères, Lukoil, Mazarine Energy România, Methinks Ltd., Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Ministerul Energiei, ROEC, Expert Forum, NN Asigurări de Viaţă, Nuclearelectrica, OMV, Phoenix Contact, RBSTA, Romgaz, Rompetrol, ROPEPCA, RPIA, RWEA, Safetech, Schneider Electric, STEAG Energie România, Stratum Enclosure, Technology Contracting Engineering, Transelectrica, Transgaz, UMEB, WTS Energy have already confirmed their participation.
ASK FOR AN INVITATION on the event page – Energy Strategy Summit 2017!
For media, they have received their accreditation representatives from: Radio România Actualităţi, Ziarul Financiar, România Liberă, Invest Energy, NewMoney, Univers Ingineresc.
Please contact us by loredana.paraschiv@wing-media.com,
or by phone at +4 021 230 20 22!
2017 Energy Strategy Summit is a one day event, with plenary sessions, individual presentations and round table discussions. The event is organized by Wing Media Energy Consulting, through energynomics.ro, in partnership with reputed industry organizations such as ACUE, AFEER, AIIR-FV, EFdeN, RBSTA, ROPEPCA, RPIA and EPG, with the support of BCR, BMW Auto Cobălcescu, Casa de traduceri, CEC Bank, CIS-GAZ, Conpet, Enel, E.ON, Hidroelectrica, KMG International, Lukoil, Nuclearelectrica, Phoenix Contact, Romgaz, RWEA, SAMEDAY, Schneider Electric România, Stratum Enclosures, Transelectrica.
Media partners: Radio România Actualităţi, Mesagerul Energetic.