The capitalization of biomass as an energy resource seems to be suspended between several decision-making levels (European, national, municipal) and several activity sectors (energy, environment – waste management, agriculture) that are not well connected. Many European Directives impose targets for the share of biomass in energy production – and Romania is a laggard in this regard. There are already established obligations for the recovery of (household) waste and financial penalties for certain lack of results in reducing the environmental impact of the landfills. Specifically, Romania risks burdensome fines, if it does not comply before a deadline that is closer and closer.
Even more importantly, beyond the punishments and the targets, the technology and expertise in the biomass sector have advanced enough to encourage projects, that meet all the mentioned requirements, with already proved economic benefits: reducing the cost of electricity and thermal energy, ensuring access to energy sources close to the place of consumption in areas that not connected to gas or electricity networks, new jobs etc. In addition, the intelligent exploitation of biomass, particularly the biodegradable municipal waste fraction, allows the building of a sustainable, environmentally friendly and safe future for Romania by following already existing models in many European countries.
18 speakers, over 120 participants and well over five hours of debates – are the numbers summarizing the most extensive conference of this year dedicated to bioenergy, with novelties, premieres and exclusives, well known speakers and dozens of experts from companies and relevant public institutions in Romania. The “Bioenergy – the hidden energy resource of Romania” conference, organized by ARBIO and, was opened by Ilias Papageorgiadis, president of the Romanian Association of Biomass and Biogas, who exposed the current framework based bioenergy for heat and proposals for future ARBIO. DOWNLOAD PRESENTATIONA
“The Law of bioenergy, which is currently in debate in Parliament, is the only solution that solves the fundamental problem of waste in Romania. Basically, we propose that, other than paying an infringement of 180 million euros per year, with the same amount of money to finance biomass and biogas projects, which will eliminate the cause of the penalties”, explained Papageorgiadis. “We’re talking about an industry that can combine multiple positive effects on the Romanian economy: the creation of thousands of sustainable jobs for a period of 25 years, a 30-50% lower cost of heat for citizens, a much cleaner environment, more competitive companies, energy independence at local level, hundreds of millions of euros of direct foreign investments”, summarized the President of ARBIO in an appeal to all the stakeholders to popularize and support the initiative of the association.
In his intervention, Ion Dumitru, General Manager with the National Authority for Energy Regulation (ANRE) stressed out that the biomass sector is lagging behind in regard with the targets assumed and requires support measures dedicated to this type of power generation. The biomass based projects are concrete steps towards establishing a consistent number of prosumers in Romania, said Ion Dumitru. DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
In the opening session also spoke Dorin Sfâca, President of the Association of Producers of pellets and briquettes from Romania and Claudiu Negrisan (Bioenergy). The latter presented the technical data and results of the power plant in Suceava, which delivers heating for more than 50 thousand beneficiaries at the lowest price in Romania (116 lei per Gcal) with no subsidies from the town hall. DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION Claudiu Negrisan also referred to the difficulties created by the introduction of the order of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests in 2016, which excludes the firewood and debris from its exploitation from the certified biomass category.
How to minimize your heating costs with a biomass and biogas project
- Mihai Constantinescu, ELSACO
- Ada Bacalum, Valmet Technology Oy DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
- Eugen Stanciu, Vyncke Romania DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
- Horia-Matei Bardeanu, Genesis Biopartner DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
- Cristinel Popescu, Genesis Biotech & Ness Proiect Europe DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
BIOSURF: The first workshop for Biomethane in Romania
The President of ARBIO opened the third session of presentations with some considerations about the prospects for development of the biogas and biomethane production in Romania in terms of potential feedstock. In his turn, the Vicepresident of ARBIO Grigorios Papageorgiadis presented in premiere for Romania the Bioenergy4Business – The unique “Fuel parameter calculator” for Biomass investments, a necessary tool for investments in biomass. DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
- Attila Kovacs, EBA – The functions and operations of a national biomethane registry DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
- Stefano Proietti, ISINNOVA (Italia) – Introduction to the BIOSURF project (objectives, achievements and further activities) DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
- Diego Piedra Garcia, FNR (Germania) – Sustainable raw material supplies for biogas/biomethane projects in view of present and upcoming European regulations DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
- Martina Conton, EBA, Bruxelles – Calculation of GHG emissions caused by biomethane production DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
- Attila Kovacs, EBA, Bruxelles – The administration of cross-border biomethane movements through the European natural gas network DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
The first information appeared in the press the same day:
- The Law of Bioenergy, debated at The industry and services Committee from the Chamber of Deputies (Green Report)
- Dumitru (ANRE): The promotion scheme for the green certificates, that sustain about 4.800 MW (Agerpres, Capital, Ziua, Bizenergy, Focus Energetic) will come back with detailed information on the topics addressed at the conference.
The event was organized by ARBIO with the support of and gathered over 120 representatives from 4C PROJECT CONSULTING SRL Cluj, A.B.R., ABE EDY IMPEX SRL, Academia de Studii Economice, Academia Română, AFIR, AGCS (Viena), Agerpres, Agricom Bioenerg, Amada Viva, Ambasada Austriei, Ambasada Olandei, Ambasada Ungariei, ANRE, APANOVA Bucureşti, Asociaţia CINAQ, Asociația de Dezvoltare Intercomunitară București – Ilfov, Asociaţia Fermierilor din România, Asociaţia Producătorilor de Peleţi şi Brichete din România, AVAX Biogas, Bioenerg, Bioenergy Suceava, Biogaz TEB One Suceava, Biogest, Biotechgen, BIOTERPENA SYSTEM Ltd., Bulrom Gas Impex, Bureau Veritas, CEC, CNPR, CNR-CME, COLTERM Timişoara, Consiliul Judeţean Ialomiţa, CTT-ICECHIM, DBFZ, Direcţia AM – Programe Cooperare Teritorială Europeană, ECO TECA, ECOHORNET SRL, ELSACO, ENVISAN, Ernst & Young România, European Biomass Association, Federaţia Naţională PRO AGRO, FNR, Genesis Biopartner, Genesis Biotech, Green Report, Hiprof Consulting, ICPE ELECTROCOND TECHNOLOGIES S.A., INCDE-ICEMENERG BUCUREŞTI, INCDIE ICPE-CA, Institutul de Prognoză Economică (Academia Română), Institutul Naţional de Cercetare- Dezvoltare pentru Protectia Mediului- Bucureşti, Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare în Informatică, Institutul Naţional Dezvoltare Cercetare Delta Dunării, International Business Advisor, Investisia Group, Iordache & Iordache SCA, Iridex, Isinnova, Kerui, Lambdamat, Lucas Communication Services, MET Romania Energy Marketing, Ministerul Agriculturii, MNA Prodcom, OLT Piess, Parlamentul Romaniei, Patris, Primăria Giurgiu, PRODEZ VEST,, Professional Capital Finance, Resourcing Inovation, Romelectro, Safetech, Sintesis, Smart Energy Group, Smart EPC OM SRL, Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune, Technomarket Communication, Trans Liberta, Transliverta, Tresoil Biofuels SRL, Tribuna Economica, Univers Ingineresc, AGIR, Valmet Technology Oy, Veolia, Viitorul Ilfovean, Vitalia Servicii pentru mediu, Vyncke România, Ziarul Afacerilor, Ziarul Azi.