CE Oltenia increased employee revenue by about 6-7% in 2017, as the salary fund remained constant, and announces salary increases for the year 2018, said Sorin Boza, the General Director of the Complex, for energynomics.ro.
The local press has written that a trade union strike is currently under way, which would mean that an additional 1 million dollars fund would be equally divided between miners, while management would like to complete the low wages. Contacted by energynomics.ro, Boza denied this hypothesis. “There is no protest. There have been discussions on Monday, they have ended, we have a collective labor agreement and it has to be respected. We will increase wages in 2018, but it’s hard to say how much, we will be deciding in collective bargaining negotiations. In 2017 we managed to increase the incomes (extrasalarial – e.n.), somewhere around 6-7%, probably. We come after years of decreases, this was the first year of growth”, said Boza.
In a press release of CEO, a protest movement is confirmed, but Boza argues that it has ended since that day. “On October 23rd 2017, the CE Oltenia administration concluded an agreement with all representative trade union federations signing the Collective Labor Agreement, to which the trade union leaders present at the protest action launched on 24.10.2017 also attended.
Through the agreement signed by both sides (administration – trade unions), it was established how to allocate the overtime pay due to the necessity of ensuring the coal reserves and the safe operation of the energy groups during the winter, according to the established schedule”, mentions the CEO press release.
“Wemention that any economy registered with the salary fund provided in BVC 2017 will be distributed to employees according to the provisions of art.153 of the CCM (from the savings to the salary fund, estimated in the last quarter of the year, there will be a fund for the harmonization of the employees with low wages), this action being taken in December. Also, given that the financial results create the premises for the end of 2017 with profit, there will be the possibility that employees will benefit from wage increases in 2018”, according to the same source.