Acasă » Thermo » Cogeneration » Boza: There was no actual damage, it is an old document, signed by only one of the four experts, challenged by a criminal complaint

Boza: There was no actual damage, it is an old document, signed by only one of the four experts, challenged by a criminal complaint

29 January 2020

Bogdan Tudorache

Sorin Boza, demoted from the position of President of the CE Oltenia Board of Directors, told that he will not challenge the decision of the Supervisory Board and that he will remain in the Board of Directors of the company until the end of the term, in October.

The Supervisory Board (CS) of the Oltenia Energy Complex decided on Monday, January 27, to replace the chairman of the board of directors “due to the damages inflicted to the company and the fact that he was not legally selected”, according to the statements of the Minister of Economy and Energy (MEEMA ), Virgil Popescu, quoted by Agerpres.

The minister referred to damages in the amount of over 600 million lei, which Boza challenges.

“I don’t know where these amounts come from. This is a control carried out three years ago, by the control body of the Ministry of Energy headed by Toma Petcu, countersigned by a single expert of the four- three others refused to sign, a control that was more about facts before our management term. Four of the six imputed measures took place during the tenure of Laurențiu Ciurel, with the approval of the majority shareholder, in the GSMs, such as the transfer of some mines to Govora, 6-7 years ago,” Boza told us.

“In fact, the report has been verified several times, I do not know from where it came to with this amount, I have never seen it. This gentleman from the control body of the Ministry of Energy has a criminal complaint, did not respect any normal method of control … There was no mediation meeting, and the other three experts refused to sign it. It was drafted three years ago, it was submitted over time two or three times to the shareholders, who only took note, without taking any action,” said Boza.

However, Virgil Popescu claims that these controls revealed damages of 600 million lei as a result of the defective management also during the current Directorate’s period.

“Measures had to be taken, because the target period included the current Directorate. In the report of the Prime Minister’s control body, it was provided that irregularities had been discovered, including regarding the selection of the members of the Board. So far, no one has said anything. That a general director was not selected, but a Directorate was selected and, from the Directorate, a general director was chosen by the CS, which was not chosen from the short list, but from outside the short list. This, referring to Mr. Sorin Boza. All these corroborated, the CS probably concluded that it is better to change him,” said Popescu, quoted by Agerpres.

On Monday, the CS of the CE Oltenia decided the provisional appointment of Daniel Burlan in the position of president of the Directorate. Yet, Boza is kept as a member of the Directorate.

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