The General Councilors of the Capital vote today to set up the two municipal companies to take over the RADET activity, reintroduced in the debate after one of the councilors had previously voted in a conflict of interest.
The draft decisions on the establishment of the Termoenergetica Energy and Energetica Servicii, adopted in the previous session by 37 votes in favor, six against and six abstentions, were reintroduced on the agenda, after PSD Municipal Councilor Orlando Culea filed a complaint to the PMB and the Prefecture, indicating that a member of the Council proposed his daughter as member of the Board of Directors of Termoenergetica, according to Agerpres.
The projects also envisage the reorganization of the Energetica, by division, finalized by dissolution. Within three days of the entry into force of the Council’s decision, the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Energetica will be convened and this will approve the opening of the divestment procedure.
The divided part of Energetica SA, which corresponds to the public service of heat supply, will be transferred to Termoenergetica SA, which will receive the corresponding assets and liabilities, the approvals and licenses, the contract and the personnel related to the supply of the public service. Energetica Servicii SA will take over the appropriate assets and liabilities, approvals and licenses, contract and personnel related to the supply of services not related to public utility.