Acasă » Electricity » Trading » Bulgarian energy exchange to start intraday trading in January 2018

Bulgarian energy exchange to start intraday trading in January 2018

22 February 2017

The intraday segment of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) is expected to be operational in January 2018, Nikola Gabrovski, project manager at IBEX.

The intraday trading was supposed to kick off in mid-2017, but Gabrovski said that the start date also depends on other market participants such as the Bulgarian TSO – the Electricity System Operator. It is also related to amendments yet to be made to the Bulgaria”s Electricity Trading Rules, according to

Gabrovski said the supplier of the trading platform has already been chosen, but its name would not be revealed before March, when a contract between IBEX and the supplier would be signed.

In March 2016 Trayport”s GlobalVision Trading System was selected by IBEX as an electronic trading platform for the organization of a centralized market for bilateral contracts in the Bulgarian power market. The day-ahead segment was prepared together with Nordpool Spot.


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