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Burduja: 2025 measures to subsidize the price of energy only for vulnerable consumers

2 September 2024

The measures we will take after April 1, 2025 will have to subsidize the price of electricity and natural gas for really vulnerable consumers, so that we can keep a reasonable cost, says the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja.

“We want the impact to be as small as possible. It is possible that for consumers with a consumption of more than 300 KWh per month the bills will be cheaper, as a result of the lifting of these constraints from now on, but for those who fall under 100 KWh/month it is true that without subsidy measures, to compensate the price, the bills could increase. The measures after April 1 will have to subsidize the price of electricity and natural gas for really vulnerable consumers, so that we can keep a reasonable cost. If currently a consumer of up to 100 KWh/month has a current bill of about 45 lei, it is probably a bearable cost. So, as long as these bills do not increase, I think we will have done our duty,” said Burduja, quoted by Agerpres.

He emphasized that, currently, work is being done in an interministerial working group at the level of the Government to define “very well the vulnerable consumer in the energy sector”, and he can receive support from the state, so that the monthly bills are bearable.

Burduja added that the Government is also working on a set of measures for large energy consumers, given that some of them have expressed their intention to leave Romania after the liberalization of the energy market.

“I was in Alba recently and I also discussed with IPEC (ceramics producer – n. r.) and with other large energy consumers. We will do everything in our power to keep these Romanian companies in Romania, because they mean jobs, development, salaries. In fact, the competitiveness of the Romanian economy also depends on the price of electricity and gas. (…) We are thinking of a set of measures for these companies. Of course, the Romanian state currently has state aid schemes of 150 million euros per year for large energy consumers. I don’t think that IPEC is among the beneficiaries, but there are beneficiaries from Alba County according to the CAEN codes, as this scheme was defined. Where it does not apply, we will have to find other measures,” said Burduja.




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