Acasă » Legislation » Norme si regulamente » Burduja: By April 1, 2025, we will have a definition of the vulnerable consumer

Burduja: By April 1, 2025, we will have a definition of the vulnerable consumer

22 July 2024

The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, announced that, by April 1, 2025, there will be a definition of the vulnerable consumer in the energy sector, according to

The Minister of Energy was asked, on Saturday evening if the price of energy bills will increase if the capping scheme is eliminated and what measures will be taken in this situation.

“By April 1, 2025, we will have a definition of the vulnerable consumer in the energy sector, so that the support measures, these subsidies granted by the state will not be applied automatically, regardless of the family’s income level, but only depending of the level of consumption, as it was until now. So we started working with the Ministry of Labour, with the ANAF, with the INS, with the Ministry of Finance, so that by April next year we can have this measure ready, because in the current situation, an empty apartment in Primaverii, where the consumption is below 100 kWh, it benefits from the same support from the state as the apartment of a family with, perhaps, three children, which has a minimum wage on the economy and saves on electricity, so that it falls within the consumption of 100 kWh per month,” said Sebastian Burduja.

He specified that the distributors must invest non-refundable money in the network.

“At the same time, I think the distributors should have told you that during the last year we attracted 1.1 billion euros in non-refundable money, free money that we made available to them and that they owe invest in the network. Plus what they invest from their own resources. At the same time, no one should have the impression that when the market price increases, the suppliers get richer. They have a margin regulated by law and fixed. So the ceiling compensation scheme itself is fueled by the taxes applied on the higher incomes and profits made by the companies in the energy sector and not from the citizens’ pockets,” stated the Minister of Energy.


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