Acasă » Thermo » Burduja on the ELCEN protests: We will not back down from efficiency measures

Burduja on the ELCEN protests: We will not back down from efficiency measures

28 January 2025
District Heating

Reducing public spending is absolutely necessary, and my firm and direct appeal is that the protest actions of ELCEN employees do not endanger the supply of hot water and heat in Bucharest, says Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja.

The minister’s clarification comes following the spontaneous protests launched on Monday morning by ELCEN employees against the little train ordinance.

“In everything we do, we respect the law, we respect honest work and the correct spending of public money. This is what we ask of all social partners. We will not hesitate to apply the legal provisions and ensure the public service of production of the heating agent for Bucharest residents. We had and have total openness for a constructive and fair dialogue. Last week, in the meeting we hosted at the Ministry of Energy, we established several steps, to which representatives of the union and the company committed themselves. We are waiting for these steps to be taken, and potential solutions explored, in new discussions. We also discussed the address that we sent to all companies in the portfolio of the Ministry of Energy, including ELCEN, in which we requested a reduction in expenses. I want to be well understood by all those who could be manipulated: the people in production, in the plants, the people who do their job are not targeted. The ones who move papers between offices or do not respect the work schedule are targeted,” says Burduja, according to Agerpres.

He emphasizes that the administrative staff is oversized and will not give up on efficiency measures.

“The administrative staff is oversized and, if this upsets the union representatives, I announce to them that we will not back down from the efficiency measures. These will make the companies healthier and, in the end, will generate better conditions for all those who want and deserve to stay. In any case, we cannot have a dialogue with Bucharest taken hostage. Reducing public spending is absolutely necessary, and the decision of the past few days regarding the country’s rating showed us this very clearly. On a human level, I can understand the dissatisfaction, but I cannot accept that nothing changes in the way state-owned companies, many of them monopolies, spend funds. My firm and direct appeal is that these protest actions do not endanger the supply of hot water and heat in Bucharest. It is not fair to millions of Bucharesters,” the minister told the ELCEN employees.



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