Acasă » Electricity » Trading & Distribution » Burduja: Sunday evening over 90% of households without access to electricity were reconnected

Burduja: Sunday evening over 90% of households without access to electricity were reconnected

16 September 2024

More than 90% of the households without access to electricity were reconnected on Sunday evening, and in the Galati area, only 2,232 users remained without electricity due to the floods, according to the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja.

“I arrived in Galati, at the Electrica Command Center (DEER- Muntenia Nord), together with the people who coordinated the intervention actions in the field. At the end of the day, over 90% of the households without access to electricity were reconnected. at the level of the Galati area, there are still 2,232 users without power, out of a total of over 25,000 at the beginning of the day,” wrote the minister, on Sunday evening, on his Facebook page.

He emphasized that, in specific cases, for safety reasons, consumers’ installations were not energized, due to the risks of fire or short circuit.

“Here it has been raining torrentially since 16:00, but the technical teams have worked absolutely exemplary and are still in the field. (…) There are only three 20 kV LEA affected: Cudalbi-Pechea, Schela SPP 22, Pechea-Cudalbi 2 “Together with the technical and local management of the distribution operator, we reviewed the intervention plan for tomorrow. We have to attack the Cudalbi, Vameş and Costachi Negri areas, as well as the Pechea transformer station,” said Burduja.


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