Acasă » Thermo » Burduja: We have a chance to put the Iernut project into operation in December

Burduja: We have a chance to put the Iernut project into operation in December

19 July 2024

The Iernut power plant project could be put into operation in December this year, while Group 5 from Rovinari should start testing in September, the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, said on Wednesday, at the end of the meeting with energy producers.

“We went through the stages of the main projects that have a chance to be put into operation this year. Iernut, for sure, is the most important and the most awaited, a modern gas group, over 400 MW of installed power, with an accelerated work schedule. We have chances to put it into operation in December this year. At the Oltenia Energy Complex, another important investment – the 5 Rovinari group, which should start testing in September and from October 1st we should have a very important production with a modern group. Also, there is a new cogeneration plant under construction, with a high degree of completion, somewhere at 95%, in Năvodari, a project of the Romanian-Kazakh Fund, delayed over a year, a year and a half started the mandate that it will end in a month, in two, in three. I requested the completion of this investment, which would mean 80 MW. (…) I called them this week coming to a special meeting for this investment,” said Burduja, according to Agerpres.

The minister emphasized that he convened this meeting with the main producers to analyze some topics, to know what production the energy system can rely on during this period, and how it could be, especially during the evening consumption peak, that it be covered with as much production as possible.

“In this way, we are trying to calm the markets. At the same time, I am calling for investments in the storage area, because we, at the Ministry of Energy, are doing our job and making non-refundable money available. We put 80 million from the PNRR, another 300 million from the Modernization Fund are coming, but we also want to have mature projects that can be implemented quickly and that can help balance the system”, said the Minister of Energy.




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